#EPISODE 1: Employee Financial Wellness

The One Minute For: Coaching Cultures, HR Freelance, and Employee Financial Wellness

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"Engagement isn’t just about satisfaction; it’s about how each individual connects with the company’s vision and their role in it.

People Processes: How Your People Can Be Your Organization’s Competitive Advantage - Rhamy Alejeal



5 Steps To Create A Coaching Culture In Your Organization

by PeopleManagingPeople
  • Start a Coaching Culture for Learning and Growth

    Use coaching in daily management. This helps everyone learn and grow. Everyone in the company, from new staff to top bosses, should use coaching.

  • Why a Coaching Culture is Good for Companies

    Employees feel important and always get feedback. Coaching creates a positive mindset, more involvement, and keeps employees longer. It helps find talented people and improves their skills.

  • How to Bring Coaching into a Company

    Set clear goals for coaching. Get leaders to see its value. Choose a coaching style that fits the company's values.

  • Coaching in Everyday Work

    Add coaching to daily conversations and decisions. Encourage growth and make a safe space for employees. Have a feedback culture with rules for good communication.

  • Measuring Coaching's Success

    Use surveys to see how behavior changes. Get team feedback for personal stories. Check how work and employee stay rates change.

  • Handling Challenges in Coaching Culture

    Make sure coaching fits with the company's culture. Have clear coaching goals linked to business. To deal with change resistance, make slow changes and celebrate small wins.

  • Big Changes from a Coaching Culture

    Coaching changes the whole business and prepares strong employees for the future. It helps employees and the company grow together. Coaching supports personal and professional growth, improving the whole company.



Can You Freelance HR? feat. Rebecca Ives

by The Team Check-in Podcast

Rebecca Ives 

An independent HR consultant. A senior Chartered MCIPD Qualified HR Leader with 15+ years experience. Expert in developing and implementing employee engagement and retention strategies.

  • Rebecca’s HR Career Journey and Decision to Freelance

    Rebecca Ives has over 15 years of HR experience in various sectors and organizations, both locally and globally. She transitioned from a traditional HR career path to freelance consulting, motivated by a desire for independence.

  • The Importance of Customized HR Practices

    Rebecca emphasizes building HR processes from the ground up, aligning them with the company's unique requirements. She stresses the need for regular check-ins, honest feedback, and a focus on cultural fit over just technical skills.

  • Challenges and Opportunities in Freelance HR Consulting

    Freelancing in HR requires adaptability to different organizational cultures and strategies. Rebecca highlights the challenge of managing different expectations and priorities across various clients.

  • Employee Experience Should Align with HR Processes

    HR processes should add value to the employee experience and not be seen as separate or extra tasks. Rebecca notes the significance of ensuring that HR practices contribute positively to the workplace environment.

  • The Role of Empathy and Understanding in HR Practices

    Drawing parallels between her experiences with her dog and HR, Rebecca underscores the importance of empathy, honesty, and transparency in human resources. She believes in the power of understanding and non-judgmental approaches in HR practices.



"People Processes: How Your People Can Be Your Organization’s Competitive Advantage"

by Rhamy Alejeal

Key Advice:

Integrate Employee Financial Wellness into HR Practices

What It Means: This means HR helps employees with money stuff. It's not just about what they earn, but also giving tips and lessons on managing money.

Why It's Important: 

  • Overall Health: Worrying about money can really affect how employees feel and work.

  • Attracting and Keeping Workers: Money help programs can make a company more appealing and keep good workers.

  • Better for the Company: Employees who aren't stressed about money work better and are happier.

How to Do It:

- Teach About Money: Give classes and info on how to handle money.
- Add Money Help to Benefits: Include things like retirement planning and debt help in benefits.
- Team Up with Money Experts: Work with financial advisors to give good advice.


  • Less Stress Over Money: Employees with access to money advice feel less worried.

  • Workers Stay Longer: Employees stick with companies that help with their money health.

  • Good for the Company's Image: Offering money helps make the company look like a great place to work.



David Green

Executive Director at Insight222 & myHRfuture.com, serving the companies with Fortune100 firms. He is a people analytics leader, writer, speaker, conference chair, and data-driven HR



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