#EPISODE 14: πŸ”Š Talent Allocation

The One Minute For: "Flow to Work", HR Policy Formulation, and Talent Allocation


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This episode includes an audio version, so now you can listen to the latest HR insights during your day-to-day tasks. Enjoy ;)

In today’s episode:

  • The key role of dynamic talent allocation in shaping the future of work

  • Cheat sheet: HR Policy Formulation

  • Let's Practice: Consider Talent Allocation as a Strategic Driver

Listen to the full episode's audio version (Time: 03:59)




"Effective talent allocation is about placing the right people in the right roles at the right time, guided by the strategic needs of the business."

Beyond HR: The New Science of Human Capital by John W. Boudreau and Peter M. Ramstad



The key role of dynamic talent allocation in shaping the future of work

by McKinsey

Audio version (Time: 01:14)

What is dynamic talent allocation?

Dynamic talent allocation is a flexible movement of talent within an organization to match the right people with the right projects or tasks at the right time. Flow-To-Work is a powerful framework to implement this.

What is the flow-to-work model?

The idea of Flow-to-work model is to create resource pools based on skill similarities rather than business functions, allowing flexible, on-demand deployment of talent.

This allows effective organizational response to three talent challenges:

 - Deploying scarce talent to the highest-priority work

- Creating mechanisms to reallocate and redeploy talent

- Forming flexible teams

Critical success factors to implement flow-to-work model



  1️⃣  Understanding and prioritizing the work

It’s important to start with clear agreement on the work to be done. It should run across the organization, be driven by strategic priorities set by the executive committee, and have buy-in from the relevant business areas.

  2️⃣  Crafting well-defined ways of working

Goal Alignment: Teams must understand their common goals, success metrics, and incentives supported by a team charter.

Defined Roles: Clear communication of each member's responsibilities, documented in the evolving team charter.

Consistent Expectations: Establishing and documenting team norms ensures smooth transitions and clear expectations across projects.

  3️⃣  Creating clear people-leadership responsibilities

Evolve people management approach, distributing responsibilities across five key roles:

1. Business Integrator

2. Project Team Manager

3. Development Manager

4. Head of Pool

5. Talent Staffer

5 essential roles to master the flow-to-work model



Cheat sheet: HR Policy Formulation by Phebean Amusan

This cheat sheet offers Checklist by Phebean Amusan for formulation of Strong HR Policy at your organization with just 6 steps.

- Definition
- Characteristics of a Strong HR Policy
- 6 Steps to Policy Formulation



Consider Talent Allocation as a Strategic Driver

From Beyond HR: The New Science of Human Capital by John W. Boudreau and Peter M. Ramstad

Audio version (Time: 01:01)

What does it mean?

This means using analytical tools to identify which roles are critical to your company's strategic goals and ensuring those positions are filled with the right talent.

How to Implement It:

1. Conduct a Strategic Role Analysis

# Identify which roles are most critical to achieving objectives by considering factors such as their direct impact on revenue, innovation, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

2. Evaluate Current Talent Distribution

# Assess your current talent landscape to understand where your most capable employees are positioned relative to the pivotal roles identified.

3. Develop a Talent Analytics Framework

# Implement a system for continuously analyzing workforce data.

4. Create Strategic Talent Pools

# This involves identifying high-potential employees, understanding their career aspirations, and aligning them with future needs of these critical positions.

5. Implement Targeted Development Programs

# Design and deploy development programs focused on preparing individuals in your talent pools to excel in pivotal roles. These programs should address skill gaps and prepare employees for future challenges.




Talent debt

Talent debt describes a group of disengaged employees who are unproductive and expensive to retain.

The amount of disengaged U.S. employees is the highest it has been in 10 years, according to a Gallup report. The lack of enthusiasm is creating talent debt.



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