#EPISODE 18: πŸ”Š Psychological Safety

The One Minute For: Overcoming Anxiety, 'Yes Man' Approach, and Psychological Safety


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In today’s episode:

  • How to overcome anxiety at work?

  • Why we should be BEWARE of "Yes Man" in the Organization

  • Let's Practice: Achieving Psychological Safety

Listen to the full episode's audio version (Time: 04:54)




"If you ask me, leading or managing through the use of fear has no place in leadership. Through the fear-based leadership I experienced, I got in the bad habit of keeping thoughts, opinions and ideas that might have been of value to my team to myself."

Amy C. Edmondson β€” The Fearless Organization



How to overcome anxiety at work?

Audio version (Time: 01:29)

Sometimes there can be too much at work: annoying colleagues, tasks that just keep falling on you, and then the director can suddenly call you into the office. All of this can lead to a tight feeling in your chest or stomach.

This is a manifestation of anxiety, which can be difficult to deal with in a tense atmosphere.

Easy anxiety relief techniques:

1. 5-4-3-2-1 technique

✦ Look around you. Pay attention.

✦ Mentally find 5 things you see

✦ 4 things you can touch

✦ 3 things you can hear

✦ 2 things you can smell

✦ 1 thing you can taste

✦ Talk about each thing you find to yourself

This is how you switch from internal experiences to the real world and its content!

2. Square breathing

✦ Close your eyes

✦ Imagine a square in front of you

✦ Inhale, following the first side of the square with your inner gaze. Exhale, following the second side. Inhale, following the third side. Exhale as you close the square.

✦ Continue breathing "behind the square" for 5-8 sets

This way you concentrate on the breath and the imaginary figure, stabilizing your heart rate!

3. Imagination.

✦ Recall your own phone number and say its digits in your mind backwards

✦ Remember what you had for breakfast, last night's dinner, lunch, breakfast, and so on for several days

✦ Think about your happiest memory of the year, immerse yourself in it, recreate the events and feelings that accompany it in your mind

Anything that makes you strain your memory and brain, distracting it from anxiety, will help!




Why we should be BEWARE of "Yes Man" in the Organization

by Dr. Satish Gupta

Dr. Satish Gupta

Helping Pharma Professionals & Companies in Training, Skilling & Career Growth

Audio version (Time: 01:09)

Who is the Yes Man?

Disclaimer: Yes Man mentioned defines the behaviour and it does not target any particular gender like male, but rather is applicable to all genders.

A "Yes Man" used to describe an individual within an organization who consistently agrees without offering independent thought, dissent, or constructive criticism.

This person is often characterized by their tendency to say "yes" to everything, regardless of their personal beliefs or the potential consequences.

How to identify the "Yes Men" in the organization?

  1️⃣  Lack of critical thinking. This can hinder innovation, problem-solving, and the overall growth of the organization.

  2️⃣  Echo chamber effect. This can lead to poor decision-making, missed opportunities, and an inability to adapt to changing circumstances.

  3️⃣  Crippled creativity and innovation. By surrounding themselves with "Yes Men," leaders risk suppressing new ideas and fresh perspectives.

  4️⃣  Find out more triggers by the link belowπŸ˜‰



Achieve Psychological Safety

From The Fearless Organization by Amy C. Edmondson

Audio version (Time: 01:19)

What is Psychological Safety?

Psychological safety β€œa shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking.”

How to Achieve:


Leadership tasks


  1️⃣  Setting the Stage

Frame the work β€” Set expectations about failure, and interdependence to clarify the need for voice.

Emphasise the purpose β€” Identify what’s at stake, why it matters, and for whom.

Shared expectations and meaning.

  2️⃣  Inviting Participation

Demonstrate situational humility β€” Acknowledge gaps.

Practice inquiry β€” Ask good questions and model intense listening.

Set up structures and processes β€” Create forums for input and provide guidelines for discussion.

Confidence that voice is welcome.

  3️⃣  Responding Productively

Express appreciation β€” Listen, acknowledge and thank.

Destigmatise failure β€” Look forward, offer help. Discuss, consider and brainstorm next steps.

Sanction clear violations.

Orientation toward continuous learning.





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