#EPISODE 30: 🔊 Employee Journey Map

The One Minute For Employee Journey Map: A Guide, Cheat Sheet, and Triple-A Framework


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Chapter 1: A Guide to Employee Journey Mapping

Source: Harvard Business School


Audio: #EPISODE 30: Chapter 1

§1.1 What Is Employee Journey Mapping?

Employee journey mapping is the process of visualizing the employee experience from hire to exit.

Its goal is to determine areas for improvement and opportunities for value creation so you can retain and attract stellar employees and motivate them to do their best work.

  • where Willingness to pay (WTP) = Offer higher compensation (raise the employee’s cost)

  • and Willingness to sell (WTS) = Lowering an employee’s WTS means they’re willing to accept less compensation. To do this, you need to make the job more attractive and create value.

§1.2 How to Leverage Employee Journey Mapping to Create Value: 5 Steps

[1] Define and Select Employee Type

If your organization has many roles, you should map a journey for each persona; for example, an “entry-level data analyst” or a “new-hire mid-level marketing manager.”

Some parts of the process will be the same for all employees; others will vary based on job function and level.

[2] Map the Employee Journey

This can be done in a list format or by drawing a timeline and mapping the journey visually.

It can be helpful to think of the persona’s experience in stages. (Hiring, Onboarding, Development, Progression, Offboarding)

Some organizations operate on a strict schedule for role progression. (Before the first day, First day, 30 days in, 60 days in, 90 days in, One year in, Two years in, Eventual offboarding)

After defining map markers, list each persona’s planned experience for each stage. To make it easier, start by listing processes already in place.

[3] Factor in Employee Feedback

Map employee feedback to the specific stage or time frame it applies to and notice patterns that emerge. 

Which stages have the most positive or negative feedback? Are there any general sentiments that could be addressed in a specific stage?

[4] Identify Value Creation Opportunities

Remember that the two ways to create value for employees are increasing compensation (raising their cost) or making the job more attractive (decreasing their WTS).

[5] Revise the Journey Map

Once you’ve identified opportunities to create value, prioritize and apply them. Once changes have been implemented, revise the journey maps to include new elements.





Cheat sheet: Employee Journey Map by Mike West

Employee journey map allows you to see in one place how a lot of different concepts fit together as one — this is in fact the entire point!



Chapter 3: Implement The Triple-A Framework

Source: People Analytics for Dummies by Mike West


Audio: #EPISODE 30: Chapter 3

§3.1 What is the Triple-A Framework?

The Triple-A Measurement Framework (see the following figure) provides the fundamental measurements and analysis for the three big people-related problems each company needs to solve if they hope to grow as a business: attracting talent, activating talent, and controlling the rate of talent exit (attrition).

§3.2 How to Do It


The attractive force of the company to acquire the quality of talent it wants.

“How are you doing on getting talent into the company?”


The proportion of people and teams who have all the basic requirements to produce at a high-performance level.

“How are we doing at creating the conditions that make for productive employees?”


The degree of control the company has over the quality of the talent it’s able to retain versus the quality of talent it allows or encourages to exit.

“How are you doing keeping your highest performers, while letting others go on to the next stop in their career?”




Q1: Business Acumen Competency

What financial document lists the revenues, expenses, and profits of an organization for a designation period of time?

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Q2: Total Rewards Competency

An organization conducts a pay survey and finds that some of its key employees are underpaid. They want to raise the pay for these employees but are concerned about adding to their salary burden. Which of the following is their BEST option?

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