#EPISODE 4: Skills-Based Analytics in HR

The One Minute For: Good to Great Leadership, Employer Branding and HR Analytics


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"Let data be your roadmap in the complex journey of managing and understanding your workforce."

The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform, Transform, and Empower HR Decisions by Shonna D. Waters, Valerie N. Streets, Lindsay McFarlane, and Rachael Johnson-Murray




by Link Humans

Thermo Fisher

One of the world's leading suppliers of advanced technologies to the science industry for many years.

The company helps its Life Science customers accelerate and deepen scientific research, solve complex analytical problems, improve medical diagnostics and increase the productivity of laboratories of various profiles.

1️⃣ Check Employer Branding with Engagement and Surveys

Thermo Fisher uses their website, social media, and surveys to see how their brand is doing. They find out what's good and bad about their brand. This helps them make it better worldwide.

2️⃣ Look at Career Site Visits for Insights

It's important to know if visitors to their career site are new or returning. How long they stay can show if they're interested in jobs. Looking at other pages they visit tells if they like the company culture.

3️⃣ Change Social Media Plans for Each Audience

Thermo Fisher uses the Employer Brand Index (EBI) to get insights into what past, present, and future employees are saying about their brand across 16 key attributes. They focus on platforms where their audience is. For example, targeting Stack Overflow for tech jobs worked really well.

4️⃣ Use Surveys to Plan Changes

Internal surveys help Thermo Fisher find quick and long-term fixes. Employee opinions are important for improving their brand. Working with HR gives them good data for decisions.

5️⃣ Watch External Awards for More Information

Awards from outside, like in the Fortune 500 Candidate Experience Report, are important. These awards show how others see the company. They help compare to other companies and standards.

6️⃣ HR is Important in Employer Branding

HR information helps understand survey results better. Areas like employee growth, diversity, and community work are key. HR ensures the brand matches the company's goals.

7️⃣ Employees are Key to Promoting the Brand

Employees are the best at showing off the company's brand. Sharing their experiences makes the brand more trustworthy. Happy employees help create a good image both inside and outside the company.



The Recruitment Mentors Podcast feat. Matt Jones

by Hishem Azzouz

Matt Jones 

The Head of UK Perm from Xcede. 8+ years of career in Data Science recruitment & now heads up UK Data and Tech recruitment teams.

  • Building Better Relationships Helps in Hiring

    When you really get involved in hiring and give great service, you create strong connections, which leads to more people recommending your services. If you understand what your clients and the people you're trying to hire need and the challenges they face, you'll be better at your job.

  • Good Management Means Being Responsible and Investigative

    To manage a team well, you must ensure everyone is doing their part and look into problems deeply to find solutions. It's important to set clear goals and ways to measure success to keep the team on track.

  • Learning New Skills for Strategic Roles

    Moving from a job focused on sales to a more strategic role means learning new things. This is especially true about money. You must learn about things like net fee income and how cash moves in and out of a business. Being open to learning and adapting is key to doing well in higher leadership positions.

  • Focusing on Quality in Hiring Pays Off

    Put effort into making sure every interaction is top-notch. Do this with clients, job candidates, and team members. It helps your business grow and build a good name. Using ways to measure and keep improving the quality of your work makes sure things keep getting better.

  • Keeping Up with Market Changes for Hiring Success

    It's important to notice and react to changes in the business world to keep your business growing and relevant. Looking for new types of clients and exploring different business areas, along with regular planning meetings, helps you find and take advantage of new chances.



"The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform, Transform, and Empower HR Decisions"

by Shonna D. Waters, Valerie N. Streets, Lindsay McFarlane, and Rachael Johnson-Murray

Key Advice:

 🪬Implement Skills-Based Analytics to Enhance Workforce Capabilities

What It Means: Systematically collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data regarding employees' skills, abilities, and training needs.

It is not the usual HR measurement focusing on hiring, employee turnover, and employee engagement. This approach looks closely at your team's individual skills and talents.

Why It's Important:

By knowing your employees' specific skills and abilities, you can

  1. create better training programs

  2. plan for what your team will need in the future

  3. ensure that your employees' skills match what your company is trying to achieve.

How to Do It:

  • Skills Auditing. Start by thoroughly checking the skills and abilities your team currently has.

  • Data Integration. Integrate skills data with other HR metrics for a holistic view of the workforce.

  • Gap Analysis. Identify skills gaps that could impact future business objectives.

  • Actionable Strategies. Make clear plans for training, hiring, and developing your team. Base them on the skills gaps and future needs you've identified.


  • Enhanced Workforce Agility. Your company becomes more flexible and ready for future changes or challenges.

  • Higher Employee Engagement. Employees will be more committed to their work when they see how their personal growth is connected to the company's goals.

  • Strategic Workforce Planning. Helps in creating a more strategic approach to workforce development and future planning.




Skills gap

The "skills gap" refers to the mismatch between the skills employers seek and the experience that candidates possess. This gap is growing due to rapid advancements in technology like machine learning, AI, and automation, which continually evolve the skill sets required for work.

According to a McKinsey survey, 87% of companies globally acknowledge facing a current or imminent skills gap. To address this issue, companies are adopting various strategies: reskilling and training current employees, reallocating workers to new roles, hiring freelancers or contractors, recruiting new talent, and even acquiring other firms to bridge this gap.



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🔗 Amazon: The Practical Guide to HR Analytics by Shonna D. Waters, Valerie N. Streets, Lindsay McFarlane, and Rachael Johnson-Murray


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