#EPISODE 6: Innovation by Collaboration

The One Minute For: Employee Personas, Effective Job Boards, and Driving Innovations


In today’s episode:

  • How To Craft Impactful Employee Personas in 2024

  • How to Make Job Boards More Effective for your Recruitment Agency

  • How to Drive Innovation Through Collaboration




"Find some of the leading thinkers in the space, and absorb not just their own content, but find out who they are reading, where they are learning from, and where they’re getting their ideas from."

Redefining HR: Transforming People Teams to Drive Business Performance by Lars Schmidt

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How To Craft Impactful Employee Personas in 2024


Employee Personas can give HR a general understanding of different types of employees to meet their needs better.

Companies often create their own customized employee personas.

Steps To Create

1. Segment employees

2. Develop detailed profiles for each persona.

3. Include key insights

4. Create persona cards

Let's make them more powerful! πŸ”₯

Employee Personas become incredibly effective when you detail each interaction with them through the Persona Journey Map

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How to Make Job Boards More Effective for your Recruitment Agency

by Firefish - The Recruitment Engagement Engine

feat. Michelle Davies

Managing Director at Candidate Source. For more than 13 years, Candidate Source assist recruitment agencies in growing their business by creating effective online job advertising campaigns to gain maximum exposure.
Every candidate has potential value for future placements, not just immediate job fills.
Job boards are using AI to understand candidate behavior and preferences, leading to better matching of candidates with job opportunities.
Focus on value and quality over quantity when utilizing job board inventory.
Analyze the data provided by job boards to understand return on investment, not just in placements but also in quality candidate engagement.

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Drive innovation through collaboration

Inspired by: Redefining HR: Transforming People Teams to Drive Business Performance by Lars Schmidt

How to Do It:

1. Form Diverse Teams

Form teams with employees from different departments, backgrounds, and skill sets.

2. Identify a Problem or Challenge

Clearly articulate the specific problem or opportunity the team is addressing. This could range from enhancing a product, streamlining a service, or addressing a customer pain point.

3. Brainstorm Ideas

Conduct brainstorming sessions where all team members can freely share their ideas and suggestions, no matter how unconventional.

4. Share and Combine Ideas

Teams share their ideas with each other, possibly in a workshop or meeting format. Collaboratively discuss the merits of different ideas and how they can be combined or improved.

5. Develop Implementation Plans

Select the most promising ideas and develop detailed plans for testing or implementation. This involves outlining steps, assigning responsibilities, and setting timelines.

6. Prototype and Gather Feedback

Create prototypes or pilot programs based on the plans. Present these to stakeholders for feedback, including other employees, management, or even customers.

7. Finalize and Implement Solutions

Refine your solutions based on feedback and prepare for full-scale implementation. This may involve final adjustments to the plan or prototype.

8. Review and Reflect

After implementation, review the project's outcomes. Reflect as a team on what was learned during the process, what worked well, and areas for improvement.

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