#83 Longest and Shortest Interviews

The One Minute For: Longest and Shortest Interviews Research, Rethinking leadership, and a Buddy Program

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The US Companies and Tech Giants with the Longest and Shortest Interviews

All US Companies

It takes just under 40 days (39.27, to be exact) to land a dream job as an agent at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). That’s the longest interview process of any US company or organization included.

McDonald’s sits right at the other end of the scale. On average, no-experience-required jobs have an interview process that takes 5.32 days.

US Tech Companies

There are similar interview times at Apple and Oracle, where candidates can expect their interview journey to last between 22 and 25 days.

US Restaurant Chains



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Rethinking leadership: what Gen Z expects from their bosses

With Gen Z set to overtake Baby Boomers in the workforce by the end of the year, companies must rethink their leadership approaches. This generation has unique expectations, and businesses that fail to adapt may struggle with retention and growth. Are you ready for the challenge?

Insight 1: Contrasting Views on Empathy

Gen Z places a high value on empathy from their leaders, considering it essential for workplace engagement. However, many managers don't prioritize this as much, leading to disconnects. A simple effort to understand and acknowledge the challenges of younger employees can make a significant difference.

Insight 2: Mental Health at Work

Mental health is a top priority for Gen Z. Less than half of them feel supported by their bosses in maintaining a healthy workload, and a notable percentage struggle with their mental well-being due to work pressure. Leaders who want to retain Gen Z talent must monitor workloads and foster a healthy balance between work and personal well-being.

Insight 3: Work vs. Personal Identity

While 86% of bosses see work as integral to their identity, only 61% of Gen Z employees share that view. Many Gen Z workers prioritize a balanced life outside the office, challenging the traditional notion of over-identification with one's job. Managers must respect this balance to foster a positive workplace culture.

Insight 4: Rewards and Recognition

Though Gen Z may not be solely driven by money, financial stability is still important, especially given the rising cost of living and student debt. Competitive salaries and appropriate recognition are essential to keeping this generation engaged and focused on their work without relying on side-gigs.

Insight 5: Hunger for Growth

Gen Z craves opportunities for growth, feeling they lost time during the pandemic. They thrive on challenges and chances to prove themselves in the workplace. Offering them pathways for advancement is critical to their long-term commitment and productivity.


To succeed with Gen Z employees, leaders need to rethink traditional management styles. Empathy, mental health support, balanced work-life priorities, proper recognition, and opportunities for growth are key factors in keeping this generation motivated and loyal. Failing to meet these expectations could result in high turnover and a weakened talent pipeline for your organization.



Onboarding: 5 Things to Know Before Implementing a Buddy Program

Onboarding programs play a vital role in welcoming new hires and providing them with the tools they need to succeed. While it may seem straightforward to equip employees with the necessary skills, creating a sense of belonging can be more challenging. One effective way to extend this welcoming feeling beyond the initial introduction is through a well-structured buddy program. Here’s how you can build one.

How to Do It

1. Secure Organizational Support

A successful buddy program requires support from all levels of the organization. If management doesn’t prioritize the program, it won’t receive the attention or resources it needs to thrive.

2. Communicate the Benefits

Managers and employees need to understand the benefits of the program. Managers should be committed to selecting the right buddies, while employees should view the role as a meaningful opportunity rather than an extra task.

3.  Allocate a Budget

Socialization is a big part of a buddy’s role, and this often happens over coffee or lunch. While it doesn’t require a large budget, it’s essential to allocate some resources to cover these informal interactions.

4. Define Qualities of a Good Buddy

Establish clear criteria for selecting buddies. While qualities like dependability and credibility are universal, consider any attributes specific to your organization that will help buddies succeed in their role.

5. Measure Results

Determine what success looks like for your buddy program. It could be lower turnover, higher engagement, or even qualitative feedback from new hires in stay interviews saying that their buddy made a significant impact.


A well-planned buddy program can significantly enhance your onboarding efforts, leading to improved retention and productivity. To make it work, organizations need to commit to the necessary people and resources. With the right structure in place, buddy programs can create a lasting and meaningful welcome for new hires.



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